It’s August 2020 and restaurants are in the fight of their life with either limited occupancy or no dine-in business at all, and the kicker — tables that must be 6 feet apart. Not to mention, bars are forbidden to operate. It is no secret that our industry is hurting.

Our nation is at war with an invisible enemy; an enemy that has traveled the globe taking innocent lives. COVID-19 has emptied a million plus restaurants throughout our country, but true to the entrepreneurial spirit that is restauranting, this industry is facing adversity head on and fighting the essential fight.
Seventy percent of the restaurants in the US are classified as small businesses.
These businesses range from multigenerational restaurants like Matt’s El Rancho to franchisees of beloved brands like Mr. Gatti’s Pizza. The restaurant industry is deemed essential along with grocery stores because they provide food, yet grocery stores are busting at the seams with people. Most have lines wrapped around the building and employees exhausted from restocking toilet paper. Restaurants on the other hand are more than struggling.

Restaurants are finding a new normal though – one that keeps people out of dining rooms but still puts food on the table. For a lot of restaurants, the new normal is not about profitability, but an underlying commitment and unspoken code to serve. We want to serve the millions of restaurant industry employees that are unable to work. We want to serve those on the frontline a meal of gratitude and encouragement. Most of all, we want to serve our neighbors and friends in the industry with compassion, understanding and togetherness.

This moment in history is not the time to share decades of experience or best practices – no one alive has experience in turning a profit during a global pandemic. In this moment, we are here to say the struggle is real, and we feel your pain – we are living it with you.
Remember, seven out of every ten restaurants are classified as small businesses. This means more than likely, the restaurants next door and down the street are trying to survive just like you. Community is key – reach out to them and see if you can work together. Maybe it’s a “ticket swap” promotion: show your receipt from the hamburger place down the street to get 25% off an ice cream purchase, or maybe it’s a special coupon: partner together one coupon that has a special for each restaurant.
Now more than ever is the time to come together in our industry. At this point it’s about finding a way to stay in business and continue to serve the communities we love.

The Balanced team looks forward to brighter days ahead and returning to business as usual. We can’t wait to talk about “Ways to Improve Labor Cost” and “Finding the Best POS for Your Restaurant”. In the interim, know that we are here. Need information on unemployment or pay reductions? Our Cindy has all the knowledge. Need help with a landlord that thinks money grows on trees? You need Bill Boone. Even during a pandemic, perhaps especially so, we’re here to help get you Balanced.
About Balanced
Put simply, we are your partner. We help find balance in the crazy and exciting world of restaurant. Our clients are some of Austin’s favorite eateries. We help hospitality/restaurant clients with bookkeeping & financial services, human resources, marketing, operations and all the fun in between.
Ready to get started? Us too. Contact us today